Sunday, January 18, 2009

Background fabric picked out!

Had a really nice day today! Putzed around the house this morning (still didn't clean :) and then Jim and I went into town. We buzzed past a few buildings to look at and then he dropped me off at the quilt store and went onto his hobby store. I found what I think will be the perfect backing for Kiki's quilt. Here it is!

Here's a close up :)
Now I need to go get organized for tomorrow.....

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Kiki's Remembrance Quilt

As some of you know, we lost our oldest cat Kiki in October to cancer. She was a bitchy girl, but the house sure is quiet without her. I miss her very much, but decided to make a remembrance quilt for her. It's just a wall hanging that I can hang in my room, but the process has been good. Lots of memories :)

Here's a pic of the entire quilt top. It's pieced, but now I need to find the backing and binding fabric and quilt it.

The image above her head here is my attempt at embroidering a pecan pie. One of our most memorable times with her was one Thanksgiving when I made a pecan pie for my mom (who loves them) and Kiki jumped up onto the table and landed right in the middle of mom's pie! Mom, who really doesn't like cats at all, picked her up and tossed her right off the table! And Mom, doesn't really touch cats, LOL.

Just another pose :)

I found these little angel alphabet letters and embroidered them above the first row. Kiki was NOT an angel, but she sure is missed :)

This is my favorite picture ever of Kiki. All of these photos were taken by April Tchiguka of Dreadhead Artist Creations. Check out her website at She does beautiful work and captured some of the most amazing pics of all my babies.

Time for an Update

OMG, it's been forever since I've been on here. No use trying to bring everyone up to speed right now, we'll just start fresh :)

It is bitter cold right now in Indiana. It was negative 20 degrees yesterday morning (no, not windchill...really negative 20 on the thermometer)! Poor horses had ice on their eyelashes and whiskers. Ick. Today we broke zero but the wind that is whipping around is just biting!

I am still traveling alot for my job. A little over 8 months until my 2 year non-compete is up :) Yippeeee!

Got my garden catalogs a few days ago. I am definitely planting this year. I really missed it last year and have decided work is not going to keep me from doing it this year.

I've been doing a bunch of quilting/embroidery this winter and absolutely LOVE it! I need to post some pics of what I've done so far. Lots of beginner mistakes, but I'm learning, LOL.

Need more coffee first though!!!!!