Sunday, December 30, 2007

More Christmas Pics....

Thought you all might enjoy some more pics from Christmas :)

Is it time for breakfast yet????

Mmmmmm, mmmmmm good!!!!

Simon is such a big help wrapping!

Where's my Apple???

All tuckered out and ready for a Christmas nap!

After playing in the rain, Kasey thinks Bubba Jr. needs a bath.

Bubba likes to help wrap presents.

The girls sharing breakfast (Princess is on the left, Tongo is on the right). The girls have been together all of Tongo's life...I suspect Princess will join our family when we get the barn built too! They are good buddies, always grazing together.

Waiting patiently...NOT!

Bubba Jr. does NOT appreciate the Santa hat.

Friday, December 28, 2007

Christmas in the Country!

Gosh, I can't believe it's been 5 months since I've updated this. Let me see if I can catch you up.

The summer of gardening went great. I learned quickly that you don't need 18 tomato plants for a family of two :) I learned that broccoli must be planted way earlier than June if you want to harvest it, that not all snakes are bad (just scary!), that cantaloupe like my soil, one eggplant versus six will do just fine, banana peppers don't taste like banana peppers that you get on a sandwich at Subway unless you pickle them (nope, didn't do that), and that changing jobs at the end of the growing season is not a great way to harvest/clean up the garden!

That said, it has been an absolutely insane fall leading into an equally crazy winter. We've enjoyed a great Christmas holiday and had the chance to visit with family and friends before we set off into the craziness of January.

We have an addition to the Thompson family as of Christmas morning...

Some of you may recognize "Tongo" from pictures this summer. She's been living next door with our neighbors and I fell head over heels for her. Jim (aka Santa) surprised me on Christmas day. I think surprised would be an understatement considering we had JUST had the conversation that I couldn't really think about purchasing her until our other house in Fishers had sold and until we could build our barn. Lucky for us we have such fantastic neighbors...we love them dearly, they've become family as far as we're concerned. Anyway, they're going to let us keep Tongo over there until we can build the barn. So, it should be a fantastic spring and summer. I'm so looking forward to working with her. Jim is shuddering and making sure our major medical and my life insurance is paid up! So, stay tuned for more pics over the next few months.

I am traveling most of January, so it will be light then, but hopefully by February things will settle down again. Until then...Happy New Year all. Here's a video Jim took of Christmas in the country, 2007.

Wishing you and yours the very best in 2008.