So, the country pups (Bubba Jr, Eddie, and Annie) cornered a raccoon on Sunday afternoon. I was watering the flowers in the front and heard what sounded like one of the dogs trying to cough up a hairball. Well, all of a sudden i looked over and saw that all 3 dogs were surrounding something on the ground and then as I ran that way I heard a "YELP". Turns out it was a little raccoon...thankfully not the full size or they would have had more to bargain for. So, here I am trying to chase the dogs away from the raccoon and the raccoon turns and comes after me :)- Luckily as I scooted past the tree, he decided to run up at it and just spit at me from the branches. I considered that a close call with stitches avoided (for me and the dogs)...but hey, we've all been vaccinated so what the heck right?
Think the fun is over? Read on....
So, Monday morning I am running late for work. I let the dogs out and the 3 of them go tearing across the yard like bats out of hell and surround something near the neighbors fence. So out I go in my jammies, yelling at them again to "leave it". When I finally get close and drag Bubba away (yes, the other's both left it, but not the golden boy....) here sits a "dead" possum with this little itty bitty baby peeking over her back while she's laying on her side. Now, I was SURE that she was dead. her mouth was open, her gums were white, and her chest wasn't moving. So now I'm pissed at the kids for killing this little baby's momma. So I grab the golden boy and shoo him back up toward the house. At this point, I'm looking forward to waking Jim up and telling him he has to take care of the Momma (bury her) and figure out how I'm going to explain to my boss why our clinic needs to foster a baby possum until he can be released into the wild. Those of you that know Terry and Jim are aware of what an uphill battle this might be on both fronts :) The pups followed me, but then half way up to the house, Bubba Jr does a U-turn and heads full tilt toward the fence again. Well, that little Momma wasn't dead at all....she's waddling down the fence line and has just LEFT her baby to the dogs!!!! She didn't even stay to try and protect him. So I go running after the dogs again (still in my jammies)...and get them rounded up and away from the baby that is now running in circles squeaking while Annie and Eddie "herd" him and Bubba Jr tries to eat him. Sigh....
Ok, so dogs are rounded up and I go back on the porch to watch, figuring surely his mom would come back from him when she heard him crying or that he would find her scent along the fence line and follow her down to the woods. Nope...20 min later, he's still running in circles crying. So, I go out there with my gloves, pick the little fellow up, and carry him down to the woods. Little guy was so cute....fit right into the palm of my hand. He was shaking like a leaf until I started petting him, then he settled down.
Fun still isn't over. Little Paul the Possum and I are headed down to the woods. Now, for the last few days, Bubba Jr had been getting through the fencing we had up at the end of the field b/c the shock wasn't strong enough to overwhelm his desire to swim in the creek. So every time I let the little brat out, he went for a swim. Finally he did it for his father on Sunday and Jim got honked off enough that he hooked our wire up to the neighbor's hot line they have for their horses. Shocked the stinker and he's been much better about only going for a swim when invited. Of course I had by this time forgotten that the hot line was hooked up when I went to step over it with little Paul to try and take him back to his mom. Let's just say, when my leg caught the line on the way over, a few choice words were uttered! Luckily my gloves were rubber so hopefully little Paul didn't absorb much of the shock.
So, hopefully all is well and his momma found him again. I went down there last night and couldn't find either of them :) Here's a little pic to brighten your day :)