Monday, April 30, 2007

The Garden Has Started!!

The garden has started! Yesterday our new neighbors/friends came over to help me till up the garden and they ended up doing all the rotatilling! We're so lucky to have them :) I am looking forward to learning how to can with Pam later this summer and fall! Here are some pics ... more to follow soon!

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Save the Deere....

Meet the newest member of the family...
Those of you that know my husband know that he can never pass up bringing home an animal need (cough, cough...), so when we happened upon this baby Deere in the cold, windy weather this morning, Jim said he had to come home and stay with us!
Now seriously folks, I am truly amazed at what tractors cost. Who knew that these things could easily surpass the cost of some luxury cars? I, however, have set my sights on much smaller luxuries... Bubba Jr and I are scheming to figure out how we can acquire a GATOR for tooling around the property :)

Life in the Country

Welcome to Adventures of a City Girl in the Country!

I've always kind of thought that blogs were silly, but then I happened across one ( and realized it might be kind of fun to detail all the things I'm learning since we moved to the here I am.

I have ALWAYS lived in the city. In fact, I don't think I've ever been further than 5 minutes from a grocery store, dry cleaners, etc. We moved out to the country in September of 2006. To say I was nervous about it would be putting it mildly. My husband grew up in the country and always wanted to return to that life, so last September, we bought a house on 15 acres in the middle of no where. I've gotta tell you...I absolutely LOVE it! Is it inconvenient, yeah sometimes, but I wouldn't trade all the convenience in the world for one night of clear blue skies filled with stars and no noises other than the cows mooing from across the creek and the snicker of the horses next door.

For the first time in my life I am going to plant a garden! More on that to come for stay tuned as I'm sure this will be filled with stories that will make the hardened country folk among us collapse on the floor, holding their sides, laughing until they turn blue in the face :)